Monday, October 19, 2020

👃 Nose v/s Eyes 👀


The web of adjectives used to describe eyes and nose in all respect.

Legal Terminology and Description

Sr. No.Legal TerminologyDescription
1.Affidavit. A written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation for use as evidence in court.
2.ArgumentAn exchange of diverging or opposite views.
3.ConsentAgreement to do something.
4.CounselA legal adviser conducting a case.
5.Judgement The ability to make considered decision.
6.TrialA formal examination of evidence by a judge.
7.VerdictA decision on an issue of fact in civil .
8.Contempt of courtThe offence of being disobedient to a court of law.
9.NoticeNotification or warning of something .
10.Stay order The act of temporary stopping a judicial proceeding through the order.

Sensory Organs and related idioms 

1) To turn a deaf ear
2) Nothing between your ears
3) In the blink of an eye
4) To turn blind eye
5) To follow your eyes
6) To follow your nose
7) Under someone's nose
8) In poor taste
9) A bad taste in your mouth
10) To keep in touch 

(A1) (i) State whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements. 

(a) Nose can use spectacles. True
(b) Eyes have to be shut when the Nose wears / puts on the spectacles. True
(c) The Ear was appointed as a judge. True
(d) Eyes cannot use spectacles. True 
(ii) Discuss with your partner and match the following expressions given in column A with their interpretations in column 'B'. 

(ii) Match the following.

Sr. No.Column AColumn B
While Chief Baron Ear sat to balance the laws.
   (a) Eyes are refrained from using spectacles.
2.They are made with the straddle 
as wide as the ridge of the Nose is.
(b) The responsibility of giving verdict rested on the shoulders of the hearing organ.
3.That whenever the Nose put his Spectacles on, by daylight or candlelight Eyes should be shut!(c) Spectacles are meant for none other than the nose.
4.So his lordship decreed with a grave solemn tone, decisive and clear, without one if or but.  (d) The judge delivered a firm verdict without any doubt.

Ans: 1-b;2-c;3-a;4-d

(A2) (i) The tongue justifies the possession of the spectacles on behalf of the nose. Pick up the expressions from the poem that argue in favour of the Nose and complete the following web diagram. Arguments in favour of Nose 

(ii) Comment on the following characters depicted in the poem, in a sentence or a phrase. 
On the Nose- Nose claims ownership of a spectacles.               

On the Eyes - Having no proof of ownership of spectacles, though spectacles belongs to it, eyes are on the verge of loosing case.

(A3) Pick out examples of Inversion from the poem.
Ans : 1. Between Nose and Eyes a strange contest arose.
2. In behalf of the Nose it will quickly appear,

(A4) (i) Justify the verdict delivered in the poem. I can support my answer with the help of the following suitable arguments: 
(a)The nose always wear the spectacles .
(b)The spectacles are  designed to sit close to the nose
(c) It is impossible  to wear spectacles without resting on the nose.

(ii) Compose two lines of your own on any sensory organ. 

Nose is so close to us.
Far fragrance it tells .

(iii) Imagine that you are a lawyer defending the case of the eyes in court. Present your counter statement in support of your client. 
Ans : Spectacles are made for eyes. They  protect the eyes from sunlight and dust. They improve eyesight . They are of no use to nose.

Activity Sheet

A1 Mention the names of human organs referred to in the poem. 
A2 Judgment is based on hearsay. Explain. 
Ans: The judgement given by the Baron Ear is based on the argument by tongue and listened by ear. It is not passed on the truth about who does the spectacles belong to . It is quite true that spectacles are for the use of eyes not for nose . But the judge passes the judgment in favour of nose .
A3 Give your views regarding the argument made by the tongue.

Ans: The tongue argued that nose always wear the spectacles so it belongs to nose. It is a funny argument. The argument is one sided .
A4 Find out examples of Simile and personification and give explanation . (any two) 
Simile: Designed to sit close to it, just like a saddle.
Personification: While Chief Baron Ear sat to balance the laws.
A5 Compose four lines on fight between ear and mouth. 


Nose versus Eyes is a satirical poem on the judiciary system. It makes fun of blind justice. It emphasizes the lack of empathy and common sense in judgment. The poem is humorous and satirical. 
The poet uses human organs as characters in the poem. He describes the fight between eyes and nose. The dispute is over the ownership of spectacles. Ear is deputed to judge. Tongue is the lawyer who defend the nose. With the clever argument by the tongue Ear is convinced and passes the judgment in favour of nose.

The poet has used different figures of speech such as inversion, personification, simile and Metonymy. The rhyme scheme of the poem is abab. 
The poem gives close resemblance to the human life. The images in the poem describes human tendencies. People believe in hearsay rather than truth. 


There  was a dispute between nose and eyes about the possession of spectacles. The tongue was the lawyer . It argued the case with a professional skill.  Chief Baron Ear sat in the court to settle the dispute. He was famous for his intelligent judgment .
The argument began in favour of the nose . The  lawyer argued that the Nose always has spectacles to wear .He was the possessor and therefore , the spectacles belonged to him .Then it had a straddle as wide as the ridge of the Nose .It was designed to rest on the nose as perfectly as a saddle was on a horse .This again proved that the spectacles belonged to the Nose.

Another argument was even more interesting .The lawyer drew the attention of the judge to the fact that every face had a nose .There is never a face without nose. Suppose for the sake of argument,that there was such a face .Then who could wear spectacles? He  concluded that the spectacles were plainly made for the nose and nose was meant for the spectacles.
The same lawyer then shifted his side .Now he began to argue in favour of the eyes .He argued in the best possible way he could. But none knew what his arguments were. The court remained unconvinced. The arguments in the favour of eyes were not as convincing as they were in the favor of nose. So the judge gave nose put his spectacles on,by daylight or candle light and ordered  eyes to shut.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The call of the soil.



Venkat Iyer

Discuss the following with your partner and complete the following sentences. One is done for you.    
(a) Before eating apples brought from the market, I wash and peel them off
 (b) In a farmers’ market, we find grainsvegetables and fruits  .
 (c) Food adulteration means addition of something in food to increase the weight  .
 (d) Organic food is grown by using organic fertilizer.
 (e) Organic fertilizer means fertilizer made of animal matter , animal excreta, human excreta and dried  and green leaves . 
  • Complete the following web diagram :

(i) Find out from your grandparents or parents the names of vegetables
and fruits they had eaten in their childhood and mention how the
vegetables and fruits are different from the ones today.
Name of the vegetable or fruit Shape Colour Taste
(ii) You might have learnt about organic farming. Make groups and
discuss the difference between conventional farming and organic
farming and write it down.
Sr.No. Con

(A1) (i) Read the extract and state whether the following statements are true
or false. Correct the false statements.
 (a) Growing in abundance is more important than the quality of the
crop. False
Correct : Growing in abundance is not as important as the quality of the
 (b) The author wanted to grow the desi variety of rice. True
 (c) The author did not succeed in finding Kasbai. False
Correct : The author found Kasbai rice at adivasi old woman's house in Boripada. 
 (d) The aroma of the ‘desi’ rice would spread around the village. True
 (e) Newer hybrid crops have a great appetite for chemical. True
(f)  The author is an example of 'reverse migration'. True 
(ii) Complete the flow chart.

(iii) Read the text and fill in the blanks. One is done for you.
 (a) The author wanted to grow organic moong.
 (b) Moru Dada wanted to spray ........... on the moong crop.
 (c) Baban’s father and some elders mentioned the name of .........
 (d) “Hybrids need more............. ”, said Devu Handa.
 (e) The author bought ..........of rice from an Adivasi
woman who lived in remote hills.
b) pesticide c) Kasbai d) chemicals e)  a basketful

(A2) (i) List the reactions of the agricultural officer to the author’s inquiry

about Kasbai rice seeds. One is done for you.
 (a) He had not heard of Kasbai.
 (b) He said that there was no rice by that name.
 (c) He offered to give the author latest hybrid seeds of rice free of cost .

(ii) Go through the text once again and note down Devu Handa’s fond
memories of Kasbai in your exercise book. One is done for you.

 Devu Handa has fond memories of Kasbai. They are as follows !

 (a) It needs rain.
 (b) People passing through the village would stop due to aroma of rice and ask for meal.
 (c) The entire village would grow Kasbai.
(A3) (i) The writer says he grew ‘an awful lot of moong’. Explain the word
'awful' in this sentence.

(ii) The word scent is different from its synonyms aroma, fragrance or
perfume. Explain how the word 'scent' in the subtitle ‘Scent of the
Rice’, has a deeper meaning than ‘perfume’ or ‘fragrance’. Tick
phrases having a similar meaning from the following:
 (a) In pursuit of
 (b) To smell a rat
 (c) To be keen
 (d) On the tail of
 (e) To feel under the weather

(A5) (i) Planting and growing more crops a year seems to be progress by
normal standards; but the chapter makes a case against it. Giver reasons.
Ans: Chemical fertilifer , pesticides and insecticide are used to yield more crop. Food grown in this process is unsafe . Consumption of such food leads to illness . Even the fertility  of the land gets damaged . So the author prefers less crop grown out of organic fertilifer. 
(ii) Describe in about 150 words your experience similar to the writer’s
when you pursued something and reached your goal.
(iii) The writer goes in search of an invaluable indigenous variety ofy
seeds. List three reasons for the importance of keeping records of
our indigenous agricultural practices.
Ans: 1. Keeping records of
our indigenous agricultural PRACTICES is necessary for the research on them. 
2. It helps the locals to understand the importance of indigenous agricultural practices. 
3. The indigindig agricultural practices are based on ecological knowledge such as agroforestry , water conservation
(iv) Write a blog in about 100 to 150 words on organic farming.

Monday, October 5, 2020

On to the Summit Activity.


Extract : 'When we left Camp...................... not two individuals but a team." 
A1 State true or false. Correct the false statements
1) The mountaineers left camp nine on Saturday morning
2) The mountaineers kept their places changing
3) Hillary would take the lead
4) The mountaineer had four flags in his pocket
5) Colonel hunt gave the mountaineer four flags

A1 Enlist the countries of which the mountaineer carried the flags
A2 Point out the patriotism of the mountaineer.
Ans: He was carrying the Indian flag with him. With the permission of Colonel Hunt he wanted to place the flag on top of the mountain. This shows his patriotism. 
A3 Give reasons for the rope being called a symbol
Ans: Rope tied them together. They had to move together. Rope made them a team. 
A4 Find the synonyms of : 1. Hill top 2. Vovage 3. Vertical 4. Pitch 
A5 Express your liking or disliking for adventurous sport. 
A6. Rewrite the following sentences as instructed.
1. I was carrying the Indian flag. (Begin the sentence with - ' The Indian flag.......)
2. This was slow and difficult.(Rewrite as exclamatory.)
3. I was not afraid to die that day. (Rewrite it as affirmative) 
Activity No. 2
Extract " When we reached ........ her prized possessions"
A1. Rearrange the statements in order as the events occur in the extract.
1.) They made a pact.
2.) They reached Kathmandu.
3.) They signed their own statements.
4.) They discovered that a controversy had arisen. 
Ans: 1. They reached Kathmandu.
2. They discovered that a controversy had arisen.
3. They made a pact.
4. They signed their own statements.

A2. List the ways in which Tenzing Norgay celebrates on reaching the top.
1. By offering prayer 
2. By placing the offering he carried
3. By unfurling flags on the summit
A3. Tenzing and Hillary remained aloof from the controversy. Prove it.
Ans: When they discovered that the controversy had arisen about who reached the summit first, they agreed that the talk was childish. They made a pact mentioning they reached together and signed it.
A4. Give one word for the following expressions:
1. The things that are needed to do a particular work
2. The feelings of being grateful 
3. A covering for the face of a part of it. 
4. Having god’s help and protection 
Ans: 1. Equipment 2. Gratitude 3. Mask 4. Blessed 
A5. Write about any controversy you or your friend involved in. 
A6. Rewrite as instructed 
1. When we reached Kathmandu we discovered that a controversy had arisen. (Rewrite using ‘No sooner….. than’ by removing ‘when’)
2. We crossed over the south summit and moved along the summit ridge. ( Rewrite as simple sentence.)

1. No sooner did we reach Kathmandu than we discovered that a controversy had arisen.
2. Crossing over the south summit we moved along the summit ridge. 

Grammar Activities
Spot the error. One is done for you.
I was not afraid for die that day.
Correct Sentence- I was not afraid to die that day.
(a) Tenzing and Hillary made an pact at the office of P M of Nepal.
Correct :Tenzing and Hillary made a pact at the office of P M of Nepal.
(b) I has to bring my ice axe down with me.
Correct :I had to bring my ice axe down with me.
(c) Tenzing have spent a night with Camp Eight. 
Correct :Tenzing had spent a night with Camp Eight. 
(d) Pact was signed from Tenzing and Hillary.
Correct :Pact was signed by Tenzing and Hillary.
(e) I and Hillary were in no mood of talking.
Hillary and I were in no mood for talking.

When Tenzing and Hillary reached the summit, Tenzing in utter joy said, 
“We have done it.” In this sentence the subject (we) is the doer of the 
action while it (achieving the feat) is the Object . The verb of passive voice 
is formed by using the correct form of the verb ‘to be’ + past participle 
of the main verb. Construct the sentences accordingly.

Now carefully go through the changes in both the sentences and do the 
changes accordingly in the remaining sentences.
• We have done it.
It has been done by us.
(a) We made a pact.
A pact was made by us. 
(b) I offered silent prayer in my heart.
Silent prayer was offered in my heart 
(c) Colonel Hunt gave me three flags.
1.I was given three flags by Colonel Hunt. 
2.Three flags were given to me by Colonel Hunt. 
(d) I was carrying the Indian flag.
The Indian flag was being carried by me. 
(e) I took photographs of Tenzing holding aloft the flags.
Photographs of Tenzing holding aloft the flags were taken by me. 
(f) I remembered him.
He was remembered by me. 
(g) We spent the night at Camp Eight.
The night was spent at Camp Eight by us. 

Look at the sentences given below. Find out which one is correct. If the 
sentence is wrong give reasons.

a. Sunita is the quieter of four sisters. Incorrect : Comparison is among four sisters. 
b. Sunita is the quietest of the four sisters. Correct 
c. Anil’s computer is more new than mine. Incorrect : Comparative adjective is newer. 
d. Anil’s computer is newer than mine. Correct 
e. I have the wonderfullest mother in the world. Incorrect : superlative adjective of wonderful is most wonderful. 
f. I have the most wonderful mother in the world. Correct 
g. Aditi is more carefuller than Mary. Incorrect : carefuller is wrong. 
h. Aditi is more careful than Mary. Correct 
When we compare two nouns, we use comparative adjectives. When we 
compare more than two nouns, we use superlative adjectives
For Example. – a. Milind is taller than John.
b. Zakir is the tallest of the three brothers.
Look at the following sentences and observe the changes in the three 
a. Atul is not as bright as Milind in studies. Positive Degree 
b. The dining room is brighter than the kitchen. Comparative Degree 
c. Anne is the brightest girl in class. Superlative Degree 

• Fill in the blanks with comparative, superlative and positive forms of the 
correct adjectives in the brackets.
a. You are very naughty. You are as clever as your brother (clever)
b. The tiger is the most dangerous animal in the zoo (dangerous)
c. This is the busiest road in town. (busy)
d. My new house is bigger than the one I used to live in. (big)
e. He is the most forgetful boy in class. (forgetful)

Appreciation of Cherry Tree

 The cherry tree is a beautiful narrative poem where the poet gives his experience of planting a tree and later on enjoying the benifits of ...